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14 Desember 2007

International Geography Olympiad

The 7th International Geography Olympiad will be held in Carthage, Tunisia, from 7 to 12 August 2008. This international contest, held every two years, is organised by the International Geographical Union Olympiad Task Force. Olympiads engage senior secondary students from all around the world in a week of tests, excursions and friendship.

Australia's team to the 2008 Olympiad will be selected from students who compete in the senior level of the 2007 and 2008 Australian competitions. It is not yet confirmed if teams will consist of three or four students.

The 6th International Geography Olympiad was held in Brisbane, from 28 June to 3 July 2006. Australia's team was made up of students from our 2005 and 2005 competitions:

Michael Bishop, Northern Beaches Secondary College Manly Campus, Sydney
Jennifer Broadbent, St Catherine's School, Sydney
Samuel May, Pittwater House Grammar School, Sydney
David Smith, Marist College, Canberra

The 2006 Olympiad was hosted by the Australian competition organisers and complete information, including photos, is on our 2006 Olympiad website.

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